Forthcoming events

Every Saturday - Noon - 2pm - Bedford Square, Exeter - Socialist Party stall - Campaigning and there for discussion. We also have a range of literature ranging from this weeks 'The Socialist' to this month's 'Socialism Today', as well as books on Marxism, history, science, and international issues.

Every Tuesday - 7.30pm - Exeter branch meeting - email us for venue details - Organisational matters and planning ahead as well as discussion and debate.

Monday 19th January - Friday 13th February - USDAW Presidential election - Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing, and campaigning for a campaigning, democratic union. See for more details.

Tuesday 10th February - 7.00pm - North Devon Socialist Party branch meeting - G2 room, Barnstaple Library - Discussion of organisational issues, and debate on Darwin and evolution, introduced by JL.

Wednesday 11th February - 7.00pm - Fight For Jobs public meeting - Exeter Community Centre, St Davids Hill, Exeter - Called by Devon Socialist Party and Exeter Socialist Students, this meeting will be a chance to discuss the current economic crisis and how workers and youth can organise to protect jobs and living standards.

A more extensive calendar of events over 2009 will follow at the bottom of the page.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Fight for Jobs Public Meeting 11th February

Devon Socialist Party Public Meeting

7.00 pm

Wednesday 11th February

Exeter Community Centre, St Davids Hill, Exeter

The free market is in meltdown, as the economy falters ordinary working class people face the brunt of the recession with job losses and cuts in pay & conditions – 55% more out of work in Devon & Cornwall in one year. How can workers and young people organise to fight to save jobs and fight back? Come and hear how.

20,000+ people are now on the dole in the Westcountry - the number claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in Devon and Cornwall in November was 55% higher than November 2007. But the actual number of people out of work could be up to twice the size. Whilst overall rates of unemployment are still lower in the region than other parts of the country, increases in the last year have been the biggest of any region in the UK. Companies like Marks & Spencer, who still made massive profits and increased sales in the past year, have taken advantage of the situation, closing stores in Honiton and Torquay anyway and laying off more workers. Working people are being used as scapegoats, we refuse to pay for the crisis the Bosses have created - Join us and fight for:

• The right to a decent job for all.

• No job losses, open the books to let workers see where the profits have gone.

• Bailout workers not the bosses. Nationalise industries threatened with closure or large scale job losses.

• Rebuild fighting trade unions, involving young workers and unemployed.

• Skilled training linked to decent jobs.

• No cheap labour apprenticeships! All apprentices on at least the minimum wage, with a guaranteed job after.

• No University fees. Support the campaign to defeat fees.

• No to bullying management. For decent working conditions.

• For a real living minimum wage of at least £8 an hour for all with no youth exemptions.

• Share out the work. For a 35 hour working week with no loss of pay.

• For government investment in socially useful jobs.

• For a massive public program of house building, renovation and infrastructure projects.

• No to these projects being run by private companies who will put profit first.

For more information please email us at:

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