Forthcoming events

Every Saturday - Noon - 2pm - Bedford Square, Exeter - Socialist Party stall - Campaigning and there for discussion. We also have a range of literature ranging from this weeks 'The Socialist' to this month's 'Socialism Today', as well as books on Marxism, history, science, and international issues.

Every Tuesday - 7.30pm - Exeter branch meeting - email us for venue details - Organisational matters and planning ahead as well as discussion and debate.

Monday 19th January - Friday 13th February - USDAW Presidential election - Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing, and campaigning for a campaigning, democratic union. See for more details.

Tuesday 10th February - 7.00pm - North Devon Socialist Party branch meeting - G2 room, Barnstaple Library - Discussion of organisational issues, and debate on Darwin and evolution, introduced by JL.

Wednesday 11th February - 7.00pm - Fight For Jobs public meeting - Exeter Community Centre, St Davids Hill, Exeter - Called by Devon Socialist Party and Exeter Socialist Students, this meeting will be a chance to discuss the current economic crisis and how workers and youth can organise to protect jobs and living standards.

A more extensive calendar of events over 2009 will follow at the bottom of the page.

Sunday 7 September 2008

Successful first meeting of North Devon Socialist Party

Last Thursday marked the first meeting of the Socialist Party’s new North Devon branch. New members from Barnstaple (pictured left) and Braunton, a mixture of youth and experience, met in Barnstaple Library to listen to an introduction given by Robin Clapp, the South West regional secretary.

The introduction was wide ranging, from the current economic situation to the role of the Socialist Party locally, nationally and (for the CWI) internationally. This was followed by a discussion of how the Socialist Party could work in the current climate to get our ideas across and shape events, which all who attended contributed to. There was agreement with Robin’s point about our work, in workplaces, colleges, and the wider world, was about a dialogue with working class people, listening being as important as getting our own views and analysis of events across.

We discussed how the party would build in North Devon, a large rural area with dispersed population, low union membership and no real history of left activity. It was agreed that our activities needed to be centred around helping youth and workers to organise, at the local Further Education College, individual workplaces and unions and through setting up a local branch of the National Shop Stewards Network. In addition to leading the fightback against low pay and exploitation at work, the point was raised that young people in particular need help in combatting the growing authoritarianism of the police and local councils.

Ambitious but achievable targets have been set for raising fighting fund and attending national and regional events, new members being very keen to learn more and get active. We are a small branch, aware of the challenges as well as opportunities of working as socialists in Britain in 2008. We are optimistic about the impact we can have in North Devon, while realising that it will take consistent hard work and patience to achieve what we want to.

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