Forthcoming events

Every Saturday - Noon - 2pm - Bedford Square, Exeter - Socialist Party stall - Campaigning and there for discussion. We also have a range of literature ranging from this weeks 'The Socialist' to this month's 'Socialism Today', as well as books on Marxism, history, science, and international issues.

Every Tuesday - 7.30pm - Exeter branch meeting - email us for venue details - Organisational matters and planning ahead as well as discussion and debate.

Monday 19th January - Friday 13th February - USDAW Presidential election - Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing, and campaigning for a campaigning, democratic union. See for more details.

Tuesday 10th February - 7.00pm - North Devon Socialist Party branch meeting - G2 room, Barnstaple Library - Discussion of organisational issues, and debate on Darwin and evolution, introduced by JL.

Wednesday 11th February - 7.00pm - Fight For Jobs public meeting - Exeter Community Centre, St Davids Hill, Exeter - Called by Devon Socialist Party and Exeter Socialist Students, this meeting will be a chance to discuss the current economic crisis and how workers and youth can organise to protect jobs and living standards.

A more extensive calendar of events over 2009 will follow at the bottom of the page.

Thursday 17 July 2008

North Devon strike report

The national strike action called by UNISON Local Government workers met with a great response in North Devon. Pickets were out in force in a variety of places and were upbeat and in good humour.

Around 35 were present at the Works Unit in Seven Brethren and about 15 at the main entrance to the Civic Centre. Other places picketed included the Social Services offices near Bear Street car park.

Barnstaple library, Lynton House and several schools (including Ilfracombe College, Pilton Community College, Hatfields, Chaddiford Lane and Forches) were closed.

Very few UNISON members went into work. At the Civic Centre, only 3 'exempt' members did so, because they are in their last year of retirement and even these made their support for the strike known by wearing stickers. Only 2 UNISON members went into the Works Unit, much to the disgust of pickets who feel that these people should resign from the union. After all, why should they expect any future help and support when they have let down the strikers and flagrantly flouted the democratic ballot that decided on the strike.

The use of agency staff at the Works Unit has been called into question by UNISON. Colin Lewis, a UNISON steward at the Works Unit, quoted on the North Devon Journal website, says that agency workers were deployed to perform tasks they are not contracted to perform, and have never done so before. For instance, two agency workers who usually work on recycling vehicles had been working on refuse lorries on Wednesday. UNISON are threatening legal action because of this. The agency in question, Abacus, have denied strikebreaking, but it's interesting that no agency workers turned up to the Works Unit today.

Despite affecting their pay on these two days, UNISON members are convinced they are right to strike because they have reached the point where they have no alternative, to stop their living standards deteriorating further. Their resolve is even stronger given the recent figures revealing the inflation rate is rising even further, compared with the pay offer.

Their contempt for New Labour was clear. They no longer see it as the party for working people and one of them suggested that the time had come for the unions to stand their own candidates in elections.

By DL, a North Devon UNISON Health member

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