Forthcoming events

Every Saturday - Noon - 2pm - Bedford Square, Exeter - Socialist Party stall - Campaigning and there for discussion. We also have a range of literature ranging from this weeks 'The Socialist' to this month's 'Socialism Today', as well as books on Marxism, history, science, and international issues.

Every Tuesday - 7.30pm - Exeter branch meeting - email us for venue details - Organisational matters and planning ahead as well as discussion and debate.

Monday 19th January - Friday 13th February - USDAW Presidential election - Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing, and campaigning for a campaigning, democratic union. See for more details.

Tuesday 10th February - 7.00pm - North Devon Socialist Party branch meeting - G2 room, Barnstaple Library - Discussion of organisational issues, and debate on Darwin and evolution, introduced by JL.

Wednesday 11th February - 7.00pm - Fight For Jobs public meeting - Exeter Community Centre, St Davids Hill, Exeter - Called by Devon Socialist Party and Exeter Socialist Students, this meeting will be a chance to discuss the current economic crisis and how workers and youth can organise to protect jobs and living standards.

A more extensive calendar of events over 2009 will follow at the bottom of the page.

Saturday 9 February 2008

No to the privatisation of Exeter University Family Centre!

Yesterday, members of Exeter University Socialist Students' Society (a group who we have close links with, and common members) held a protest against the University's proposed privatisation of the Family Centre, which functions as a popular nursery for staff and students. They were joined by many of the parents who would be affected by the changes. Socialist Party members fully support the campaign, which has also involved the collection of over 2000 signatures on a petition, and those who were able to attended the demonstration, which gained media attention from Westcountry News and local newspapers.

Once again the Students' Guild (the name for the Student Union at Exeter University) has only showed half-hearted opposition to this attack on students and staff, as they did when Exeter Socialist Students led a large campaign against the privatisation of student catering facilites a few years back.

With the support of the Devon Socialist Party, staff and other students (including those at nearby Exeter College) Exeter Socialist Students will continue to fight this privatisation, and any others proposed in the future. If you would like to know more or express your support and solidarity with the campaign, you can contact the President of Exeter Socialist Students, Jim at:

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